Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Exodus 10:22

Arkansas toothpick: large knife
Boston marriage: long-term, same-sex romantic friendship
Brazilian wax: linear pubic topiary
Bronx cheer: jeers of derision
Canadian tuxedo: denim jacket with denim trousers
China syndrome: a sequence of catastrophic events
Chinese burn: twisting skin around wrists
Chinese compliment: a pretense of deference and agreement
Chinese fire drill: when, at a red light, passengers in a car swap seats
Chinese walls: metaphorical walls of (business) confidentiality
Chinese whispers or Russian scandals: misheard overhearings
Cornish hug: a wrestling match
Egyptian darkness: 'darkness so thick it can be felt' (Exodus 10:22)
English disease: homosexuality; syphilis
English rule: that guests of a common host need not be introduced
French inhale: exhaling cigarette smoke orally before drawing it back nasally
French leave/exit: going off without asking permission/saying goodbye
Full Cleveland: white shoes, white belt
Glasgow kiss: head-butt
Greek gift: one that hides and act of treachery
Indian summer: an autumnal recurrence of warm weather
Irish confetti: bricks, stones, etc.,used as weapons
Irish exit: to leave drunk
London particular: a dense fog
Maine lawman: one who advocates prohibition
Manchurian candidate: a brainwashed agent of another
Maryland parson: one adept at fitting in with any company
Mexican holster (or Mexican carry): stuffing a handgun into one's belt
Mexican stand-off: a stalemate; a massacre in cold blood
Michigan bankroll: where a high-value bill conceals others of a lower value
New York minute: a few seconds
Ohio fever: a yearning to move west
Oklahoma rain: a dust storm
Pennsylvania caps: recapped tires with an unbroken tread line
Philadelphia lawyer: a highly skilled (and perhaps unscrupulous) lawyer
Portuguese parliament: where all speak at once
Roman holiday: enjoyment at the expense of others
Russian roulette: suicidal gambling with firearms
Sheffield finish: when a (club) singer goes to town on a final note
Spanish practices: tolerated graft, corruption, and indolence
Texas hankie: blowing one's nose into one's hand
Texas stop: slowing down but not halting at a Stop sign
Virginia vapor: tobacco smoke

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