Monday, November 12, 2007


Welcome to my blog, The Brown Recluse!

On vacation in San Francisco where I'm from 2007, one of my dearest friends, Monique, insisted that I needed to have a blog. I'm a good writer and used to send fairly regular dispatches on everything going on in my world via email when I moved to New York City in 1999. Bored, scared, lonely and unable to afford therapy, I wrote.

I'm told those emails were clever, often poignant and painfully funny and that I should publish them. Later when I moved to Virginia I participated in a writers workshop to kickstart my musings and was told again that I needed to blog. I was reluctant to blog because I'm shy and have a low tolerance for petty bullshit. Who would want to read it and what would it be about? What to call it and most importantly would I be able to write daily or weekly about my neurosis for a global audience?


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